Adam Levitin: Pushback on the San Francisco City Assessor-Recorder Foreclosure Audit - FORECLOSURE FRAUD


Adam Levitin: Pushback on the San Francisco City Assessor-Recorder Foreclosure Audit

Adam Levitin: Pushback on the San Francisco City Assessor-Recorder Foreclosure Audit

Credit Slips-

Not surprisingly, there’s been some attempts to downplay the significance of the SF City Assessor-Recorder foreclosure audit. The attacks have come in three flavors:  questions about the auditors’ own background; questions about the accuracy of the report; and the “who cares, as these are just lousy deadbeats” argument. Even if we acknowledge that there is something to each of these attacks, they don’t take away from the core finding of the report, which is that things are FUBAR in mortgage documentation, and that is going to inevitably result in some honest, but unfortunate homeowners being harmed.

The first attack is on the credentials and former activities of the auditors. Given the deeply compromised background of the OCC foreclosure review auditors, this is a chutzpadik attack. The sad truth is that there isn’t a huge pool of people who can do this sort of audit. (Yes, takes it takes a thief and all that…) 


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