California high court opens door to wrongful foreclosure suits - FORECLOSURE FRAUD


California high court opens door to wrongful foreclosure suits

California high court opens door to wrongful foreclosure suits

Los Angeles Times-

During the bust that followed last decade’s housing boom, hundreds of thousands of Californians lost their homes to foreclosure. It was a process later found to be rife with problems, such as overwhelmed bank employees who sometimes didn’t even read the foreclosure documents in front of them.

But challenging foreclosures on the basis of paperwork problems proved to be mostly futile, given California courts had ruled that borrowers who weren’t paying their mortgages didn’t suffer financial harm.

Now, a recent decision by the California Supreme Court will allow some of those former homeowners to pursue lawsuits and possibly win damages for wrongful foreclosure even if they were in default.

“They opened the courthouse doors,” said Katherine Porter, a law professor at UC Irvine and a former monitor for a national settlement over foreclosure abuses.


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One Response to “California high court opens door to wrongful foreclosure suits”

  1. “California high court opens door to wrongful foreclosure suits”?

    “California high court opens door to wrongful foreclosure suits is a BIG LIE-Kareem Salessi”

    “Do not put your bets on this BIG LIE.”

    “Monetary Settlements” of all types have been payoffs and bribes to government officials, to get off their tails, nothing more!-Kareem Salessi

    I am a personal witness to the fact that California courts: state, bankruptcy, and federal, in addition to California and Federal Departments of Justice (read Injustice) have all (i.e.: 95+%) been complicit, and instrumental, in the plunder of well over a million California homes, and over 15 million nationwide, from the public by aiding and abetting financial criminals every way they could including, but not limited to, the historic $25,000,000,000 ($25 billion) bribe which the California DOJ cashed under the false flag of “National Mortgage Settlement” in order to drop all civil, and criminal, charges against foreclosure crimes, which charges the DOJ did drop as promised to the national fraudsters, while not compensating anyone of the foreclosure crime victims with any portion of the above $25,000,000,000.

    Victims who need a witness statement to this effect with documentation that all the so called “SETTLEMENTS” with banking criminals are nothing but bribes, can contact me for such a witness statement through:

    Thank you for posting this comment.

    “Kareem Salessi 3-8-16”


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