JPMorgan CEO Dimon would be good pick for Treasury Secretary, Warren Buffett says - FORECLOSURE FRAUD


JPMorgan CEO Dimon would be good pick for Treasury Secretary, Warren Buffett says

JPMorgan CEO Dimon would be good pick for Treasury Secretary, Warren Buffett says

You gotta be shitting me. Sorry this is the first thing that came to mind.

Any more conflicts por favor, anyone?


Jamie Dimon might not be interested in politics, but Warren Buffett said he thinks the JPMorgan Chase & Co. CEO could lead the U.S. Treasury Department.

Buffett, CEO of Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (NYSE:BRK.A), told Charlie Rose in a PBS interview that Dimon would be the best person for the Treasury Secretary job “if we did run into problems in the market,” Bloomberg reports. Buffett appeared as part of a promotional tour for a new book about him, Tap Dancing to Work: Warren Buffett on Practically Everything.


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3 Responses to “JPMorgan CEO Dimon would be good pick for Treasury Secretary, Warren Buffett says”

  1. Charles Reed says:

    $8 billion of what we know so far as some type of Fraud with the LIBOR scandal, and we got some honky ponky with the FDIC & Washington Mutual scam.

    So Buffett I guess thought that Hank (Credit Default Swap) Paulson was a great Treasury hire? Why do we put money thieves in position where they still have some type of fiduciary duty as Paulson was, and I believe that Paulson kept under wraps the Credit Default Option that Goldman started selling before the dude took the job at the Treasury.

    Just as we don’t Dimon full involvement in this 1991 LIBOR fraud until just found out scheme as Geithner knew of the fraud before he took office and still use it for government purposes after he had been a fraud going on. These guy are crooks protected by the White House!


  3. Dana Miller says:

    Why not?Pol pot was a great humanitarian caring deeply for his fellow Cambodians.He did everything in his power to help his country.Besides Brian T Moynihan and Jamie Dimon still havent destroyed as many homes as Hurricane Sandy.


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