Obama hid report showing surge in Food Stamp use until after election, A new all-time record high - FORECLOSURE FRAUD


Obama hid report showing surge in Food Stamp use until after election, A new all-time record high

Obama hid report showing surge in Food Stamp use until after election, A new all-time record high

The only reason you’ll hear the unemployment dropped is because of holiday help PART TIME!


On Friday, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) released their most recent data on U.S. participation in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), more commonly referred to as ‘food stamps.’

While the report is ordinarily released at either the end of the month, or no later than the first or second day of the following month, the Obama administration waited until November 9, a full three days after the election to announce the number of Americans currently receiving food stamps.

After seeing the data, it is not surprising why the administration delayed the report…

By the end of August 2012 (the most recent data), there were 47.1 million Americans on food stamps, a new all-time record high.


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2 Responses to “Obama hid report showing surge in Food Stamp use until after election, A new all-time record high”

  1. lies is all they tell says:

    does everyone know if you have children you need 2 salaries to live. when one is working and the other is on unemployment even though you are at poverty level they will not approve food stamps until unemployment runs out. which make no sense because when unemployment runs out there is less money and deeper in the whole we go. so those 47 million are comprised of those whoes unemployment ran out. so our unemployment rate is all fake

  2. lies is all they tell says:

    please everyone what are your thoughts, our mainsteam media is lieing. sorry but i have tried for the past almost 1 1/2 years to get food stamps since my husband has been unemployed and i have been denied. his unemployment is running out. so when it runs out he will not be part of the unemployment roles but i will be on the food stamp roll. hmmmmmm


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