Housing crisis: 14 million abandon homes and growing - FORECLOSURE FRAUD


Housing crisis: 14 million abandon homes and growing

Housing crisis: 14 million abandon homes and growing

What you won’t hear in the MSM!

Think the market is getting better? It’s a total fabrication. And wait, what about the rest of the 12 Million that are underwater…or the possible 10 million MORE mortgages set to default!!


According to a recent study, 9.9 million homes have been vacant since 2008 due to foreclosure. and as of 2011 that number has increased to 14.3 million units. Many blame the bleak housing market and the unemployment rate for the number of abandon homes in America. So how can the US solve this problem? John Taylor, CEO for the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, and Anthony Randazzo, director of economic research for the Reason Foundation, give us their take on what should be done with the homes.

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4 Responses to “Housing crisis: 14 million abandon homes and growing”

  1. Sarah says:

    Randazzo sounds halfway sensible, housing prices are too high. To see the forest for the trees, the Banksters and their servants in the Government will focus on prices to the point of blighting neighborhoods across the country and of course throwing previous owners on the street. It’s a game of price fixing and keep away, the previous owners would have gladly improved and taken care of the houses they were tossed from. Massively overinflated bubble prices are the bread and butter of the same people who are preventing solutions. The sociopaths at Fannie Mae, for example, prefer to sell to vulture investors who “buy and hold” when people need housing. It’s greed over human rights.

  2. I have a plan that has proven to work in Iceland. Put the homeowners back in their houses. Do principal reductions and debt forgivness to these victims of our banksters and debt forgiveness to the real victims of this bank crime. Put the criminals in jail and let this country heal from this outrageous crime against Americans. And stop people whom think they have the right to plan how to coverup this crime and bull doze or what ever our homes unlawfully seized and stolen by crooks.

  3. It is not their chose by the rule of law to plan what to do with these stolen houses. Find the victims and give the stolen houses back to them. All of America and every court room enableing this crime is a crime scene.

  4. Sorry I meant Choice.


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