Want to know what happens to your home if you refuse to pay for the ObamaCare Tax? - FORECLOSURE FRAUD


Want to know what happens to your home if you refuse to pay for the ObamaCare Tax?

Want to know what happens to your home if you refuse to pay for the ObamaCare Tax?


if someone chooses to pass on the health care plan, the IRS can withhold tax refunds and put a tax lien on your house.

“Because Mrs. Pelosi and company wanted unanimity amongst the Democrats when the law was enacted and because of some conservative Democrats, interestingly some of them are not going to the Democratic National Convention this year, insisted that some tools be taken away from the IRS, some were. So, the IRS cannot seek an indictment, a criminal charge for those who willfully refuse to pay this. The IRS cannot seize bank accounts or dock wages. The IRS cannot add penalties for your failure to pay, the only thing that keeps adding is interest, and the interest is established by the statute.”

UPDATE: A reader left a comment below stating the following

From the Patient Protection And Affordable Care Act


Page 336

B. Limitations on Liens and Levies

The Secretary shall not –

(i) file notice of lien with respect to any property of a taxpayer by reason of any failure to pay the penalty imposed by this section, or

(ii) levy on any such property with respect to such failure.

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9 Responses to “Want to know what happens to your home if you refuse to pay for the ObamaCare Tax?”

  1. Nightbird says:

    From the Patient Protection And Affordable Care Act


    Page 336

    B. Limitations on Liens and Levies

    The Secretary shall not –

    (i) file notice of lien with respect to any property of a taxpayer by reason of any failure to pay the penalty imposed by this section, or

    (ii) levy on any such property with respect to such failure.

    Oh dear, quick, someone tell the folks at Fox News that they are again presenting inaccurate/false information to the public!

    The government is most certainly enabling the theft of real property from homeowners, but this legislation is not another, unnecessary additional avenue to achieve that goal.

  2. dinsfla says:

    Thank you for this. I’ll make a note above this. I’m no FoxNews fan but I do like this Judge… now will take things he says a bit differently.

  3. TrickleUpPolitics says:

    Well, I am a Fox News fan and it irritates me that leftists always accuse Fox of purposely lying while ignoring NBC (altering Zimmerman tape), CBS, ABC (editing Romney tape) and everything MSNBC says about the right is a bald faced lie.

    The fact that Fox News missed an amendment to the 2700 pages of the Obamacare plus the 13,000 pages of regulations is not proof that Fox purposely misled viewers. Have you read all of these documents?

  4. dinsfla says:

    You make a valid point and you’re right.

    I actually was a guest on FoxNews many years ago (completely different subject) but have seen ALL the networks change and we have as well.

    Nothing personal.

  5. TrickleUpPolitics says:

    Before you bash Fox News, maybe you should get your facts straight. There is no mention in the article about a tax lien on your home. I just ran across a Fox article on how the Obamacare mandate will be enforced:

    Remember Cracker Jacks’ surprise inside? Well Obamacare has it too – and it’s a lulu.
    Turns out, the government has no way to enforce the individual mandate – the tax that scofflaws have to pay for failing to get health insurance coverage.
    That’s right. There is no penalty in the law for refusing to pay the tax. So that unlike paying income taxes, if you don’t get coverage, the IRS cannot seize your bank accounts or dock your wages. They can’t even charge you interest on unpaid penalties!

    This is Obamacare in a nutshell. A pack of dictates – thou shalt buy insurance, thou shalt expand Medicaid – but nothing to actually back it up.
    It’s a trillion-dollar paper tiger that still threatens to change the way you get health care.

    Read more: http://www.foxbusiness.com/on-air/willis-report/blog/2012/07/09/obamacares-empty-mandates#ixzz20KJNeOoV

  6. dinsfla says:

    I got it from here in their own words:


    The IRS is gearing up for its new role as health care cop. The agency, whose main responsibility is to collect taxes, will soon be in charge of enforcing ObamaCare. How can the IRS police a bill that comes with no civil or criminal penalties for those who refuse to pay?

    Judge Andrew Napolitano weighed in on the issue on today’s Fox and Friends, saying that if someone chooses to pass on the health care plan, the IRS can withhold tax refunds and put a tax lien on your house.

  7. TrickleUpPolitics says:

    Well, the article on the 9th says no, and the Judge says yes. Fair and balanced: you decide….instead of deciding that Fox is full of it.

  8. Armando R. Garcia says:

    What if I dont have a house? Can I go to jail for not affording or refusing to pay obamacare?

  9. dinsfla says:

    no but…ALL AMERICANS WILL RECEIVE A MICROCHIP IMPLANT IN 2013 PER OBAMACARE | Consciousness TV – http://goo.gl/c2GFD


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