JPM’s Dimon says bank will pay for foreclosure errors - FORECLOSURE FRAUD


JPM’s Dimon says bank will pay for foreclosure errors

JPM’s Dimon says bank will pay for foreclosure errors

Jamie Dimon, chairman and chief executive of J.P. Morgan Chase & Co., says that although the bank didn’t foreclose on people who should’ve been exempted, its mistakes are “embarrassing.”


“Some of the mistakes were egregious, and they’re embarrassing,” Mr. Dimon, 55, said Tuesday at a conference hosted by the Council of Institutional Investors in Washington. He said the bank faces extra legal and regulatory hurdles after a Florida lawsuit uncovered that bank officials had signed foreclosure affidavits without verifying their accuracy.

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3 Responses to “JPM’s Dimon says bank will pay for foreclosure errors”

  1. Eugene Villarreal says:

    It was probably 0.5% correct. Not 99.5%

  2. Joyce says:

    Why say the only error the robosigners made was that they didn’t check the “proper” foreclosure files before signing the documents, which suggests all of the information was correct but that they just didn’t verify the information in the right manner, and then turn around and say the information in the documents was 99.5% correct.

    And what did Jamie Dimon say?

    “the bank will get through it.”

    The bank will get through it ?

    Oh my gosh – is he really serious. How much was his recent BONUS ?

    He is such a lying scumbag !

  3. Maya says:

    They all knew what was going on. This is not a game of Shouts and Ladders you are playing with a small child and you allow do-overs. This is real lives being destroyed and you cannot do a do-over to correct that. They are not sorry they made mistakes, they are sorry they got caught. Who can believe these guys? There words mean nothing but lies.


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