CINCINNATI, OHIO, UNITED STATES, September 6, 2022 / — Every individual or couple purchasing a home in Cincinnati, OH has a different financial situation. At Superior Credit Union, the focus is on matching the correct type of mortgage loans to the home buyer, providing a solution for first-time home buyers and those who have completed a home purchase multiple times.

According to the Columbus REALTORS Multiple Listing Service, home sales throughout the state were at a record high for the first half of 2021. For both buyers and sellers, this is good news, with not only the number of homes selling on the rise but an increase in overall sales prices.

At this time, homebuyers throughout the Cincinnati, OH area can still take advantage of great rates on both fixed-rate and adjustable-rate mortgage loans from Superior Credit Union. Superior offers various mortgage loans ideal for first-time home buyers, veterans, and those with specific goals for paying off their home loan quickly or reducing the cost of homeownership through refinancing an existing higher interest rate mortgage.

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