“What’s the point of having f— you money if you never say f— you?” – Bobby Axelrod (Damien Lewis) in the Showtime series “Billions”

F— you money is a common expression on Wall Street. You work hard to earn that obscene paycheck so f— you, I’m going to spend hard, too. Bobby Axelrod’s No. 2 at Axe Capital, “Wags,” is famous for one-liners about indulgence like “Yo, b—-es! Saddle up. Body shots and sushi at the strip joint, on me.”

Real-life hedgies like Wags know f— you money is offensive and they don’t care. Spend it if you got it.

“Why not?” a portfolio manager responded when asked why he spends so extravagantly. “It’s simple math, I make a lot so I spend a lot. If the AmEx bill comes in under $20K, I wonder what I did wrong that month.”