Why losing a home means losing everything - FORECLOSURE FRAUD


Why losing a home means losing everything

Why losing a home means losing everything

Washington Post-

First, the kitchen sink stopped up. And when that happened, Doreen’s family began washing dishes in the bathtub. Then food scraps clogged the tub, too, which meant that everyone had to bathe with water boiled in the kitchen that they flushed down the toilet. Then the toilet quit working, too.

Doreen, one of the impoverished Milwaukee tenants in sociologist Matthew Desmond’s new book “Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City,”enters an unwinnable war over the plumbing. Sherrena, her landlord, won’t fix it. A couple months go by. Doreen calls a plumber herself and deducts the cost from her rent. Then Sherrena threatens to evict her, because now she’s behind on what she owes. The two strong-willed women lock in conflict, one trying to protect her family, the other her profit margin.

The deteriorating scene in Doreen’s cramped apartment — later the pots pile up, and the roaches come, and the cooking stops, and the kids’ grades fall and the depression sets in — builds up to the central insight of Desmond’s research: Eviction isn’t just a condition of poverty; it’s a cause of it. When stable housing is elusive, everything else falls apart. Tenants preoccupied by eviction lag at work and lose their jobs. Or they have to move farther from work and lose their jobs. Or they miss the welfare appointment reminder that was mailed to an address where they no longer live, and they lose their welfare, too.


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One Response to “Why losing a home means losing everything”

  1. Charles Reed says:

    March 2016 in year 8 of Obama where the fact is that the revolution never came, however the predictable in what young black males must do now when faced with a bleak existence following a Harvard Law educated biracial guy that leave blacks in worst shape than Jan 2009.

    In year 8 and the President flying around the country trying to sell the best thing since slice bread means it ain’t the best thing since anything!

    The other Party plus some Reagan Democrats, Independent and a small percentage of blacks and Hispanics are supporting Trump while President Obama calling the guy who question his birth and grades, P.T. Barnum, in saying the $3 to $10 billion dude is not a serious person????

    Trump is the talking trash guy that talking about making America Great again. In 2005 was the highest period of home ownership for everybody plus wages, but we are as blacks currently living in 1989 levels with a net worth of $1,700, but black women don’t care because they can pretend that they gave birth to a black male that because President, but because black children are drinking contaminated lead water, they can never produce a baby that can compete with a child drinking clean water in Hawaii, who can kill a few brain cells smoking a ton of weed and snorting some coke, and still somehow make it through Harvard Law and get elected President!


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