Only 33% Think Most Judges Follow the Law in Their Rulings - FORECLOSURE FRAUD


Only 33% Think Most Judges Follow the Law in Their Rulings

Only 33% Think Most Judges Follow the Law in Their Rulings

H/T Mark Adams

Ask any foreclosure victim and they’ll probably say 5%!

Rasmussen Reports-

Judges are often criticized for legislating from the bench, and just one-in-three voters now believes most judicial rulings follow the law as written.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 39% of Likely U.S. Voters think most judges in their rulings try to make new law they like better. Only 33% believe most judges in their rulings follow the letter of the law. Nearly as many (28%) are not sure which is the case. (To see survey question wording, click here.)


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- who has written 11573 posts on FORECLOSURE FRAUD.

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4 Responses to “Only 33% Think Most Judges Follow the Law in Their Rulings”

  1. Eugene Villarreal says:

    Decimal point is off, its more like .0033. Just poll the foreclosure victims.

  2. Poll the foreclosure victims attorneys and it will be almost zero for sure. Additionally the lawyers for homeowners are unethically victimized by the bankster lawyers by frivolous false claims of sanctions by the bar to dis bar. In the masses. Every lawyer I know is being unethically attacked by the bankster lawyers whom should be turning in fraud not enabling and causing it. 18USC4!

  3. Eugene Villarreal says:

    In “foreclosures,” the judges are the “gatekeepers to justice.” They are totally responsible for the fraudulent foreclosures that are allowed to proceed in the courts. Foreclosure mill attorneys and banks will ONLY get away with what the judges allow them to get away with. If the judges followed the rule of law, foreclosures would trickle down to almost zero. Reason, there is NO DEFAULT, there is NO INJURY.
    Example, look at what happened to the ROBO-SIGNER incident. IT STOPPED almost all foreclosures, nationally. Moratoriums, Consent Orders, and Settlements, robo-signing continues. Judges are still allowing them as if the last three years meant nothing.
    If the mills continue to file fraudulent documents, perjure themselves and the court allows it, the judges are complicit. File criminal complaints.

  4. DC says:

    Nothing will change unless complaints are filed against these judges and the media starts running stories on these corrupt judges. Opposing attorneys are afraid to do it even those its their obligation and requirement to do so per their oath. It’s time to clean house.


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