Lainey Hashorva: Best Intentions - FORECLOSURE FRAUD


Lainey Hashorva: Best Intentions

Lainey Hashorva: Best Intentions

Our Collective Intentions

What if we all embraced the same underlying intent for our actions individually and collectively, personally, nationally, globally?

What if that intent was to reduce the suffering for each of us as human beings, animals and the Earth as a whole? Every action we take, with that intent in mind would cause a shift in consciousness regardless of everyone embracing the intent or not because witnesses to it would consciously or unconsciously be affected by it as well. Imagine, if every person in their pocket of home, community and the bigger picture of their lives kept that intent. My intent is to reduce suffering for all beings. Imagine the politics from that view, imagine the state of world hunger and those that have so much excess. Imagine communities based on that philosophy. I know it sounds hippy dippy or (gasp) socialist. But it?s a method of bringing peace to every situation and if you can?t bring peace, bring comfort to alleviate, bring an open heart to sit with, bring noodle soup. Bring your best self.

We are on the verge of real change in our country and our world. So much
comes down to our individual actions, judgement calls, reactions in words, deeds
and intent. Suffering is unavoidable – the only thing we can change is our reaction
to it.

My advocacy and activism to help homeowners fight for their rights, their homes
and their sanity during this massive shift in our global economy and power structures
has been dark and cavernous to say the least. Some times you can?t offer
solutions, but empathy and being listened to/heard is an amazingly healing gift to
someone that feels the world is crumbling all around them. Some times you can
offer suggestions, tangible stepping stones toward the path of understanding
complicated messy contractual legal terms and a light for where the treasure is.
Some times you can?t. We are all on our own journey but we can walk with each
other and we can try to diminish each other?s suffering on the road.

The road of discovery in this foreclosure madness is paved with our dreams, our
struggle to keep our lives on track, and our realization that we have been abandoned
by our own justice system in righting these patterns of economical and
psychological harm, abuse and lawlessness, that is the soul of the matrix and the
underlying significance of the metrics in attempts to “fix” it.

We have had our own law enforcement, govt. officials and judicial system working
against our rights as citizens to free speech, to gather, to protest, to claim our
rights and our property, to have our rights served and respected as US citizens.

At the same time I have to believe a renaissance is occurring as well to bring
about a new system of being in our country and world that will serve the many
not just the few. Literal, metaphorical and societal birth and death are painful
messy expansive things, especially at this magnitude. So many catastrophes, so
much resistance by the few to keep so many of us at bay, but the ground is shaking
and the walls are breaking. We can all feel it. These are the pesky details and
casualties to hopefully bring about a system that will work for all of us. Occupy
was a metaphor and still exists in groups, communities and outreach in so many
ways. We just need to keep showing up for each other again and again and
again, speak the truth, try to set some of the emotion aside, but stand firm as to
what we can no longer tolerate in a peaceful way. Assist each other, wherever
and when ever in alleviating suffering, in being present where harm is being done
to anyone or living thing.

A release from suffering is what we all want for ourselves and each other in life
and in the battle to save our homes from a corrupt tsunami of wealth redistribution
and fraud.

So we stay relentless and we stick together, we show up for each other, we
share, we stay awake, we take turns, we rest and we come back again tomorrow.
We do the best we can and we try and try again. We offer kindness and our willingness
to show up. We wake up and be awesome.

If you get a moment – or 51 minutes – please watch this link:


Lainey Hashorva is a Social Media Activist, Investigative Journalist and Entrepreneur. Join the discussion on Facebook in her group, Fraudclosure Fighters with like minded others. Please visit her ETSY store LaineyBean.


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- who has written 11576 posts on FORECLOSURE FRAUD.

CONTROL FRAUD | ‘If you don’t look; you don’t find, Wherever you look; you will find’ -William Black

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One Response to “Lainey Hashorva: Best Intentions”

  1. Rob Harrington says:

    Lainey, great ideas… activists should stick together! Offer kindness. Great ideas… 🙂


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