Jeff Olson, California Man, Faces 13 Years In Jail For Writing Anti-Big Bank Messages In Chalk - FORECLOSURE FRAUD


Jeff Olson, California Man, Faces 13 Years In Jail For Writing Anti-Big Bank Messages In Chalk

Jeff Olson, California Man, Faces 13 Years In Jail For Writing Anti-Big Bank Messages In Chalk


Jeff Olson, a 40-year-old man from San Diego, Calif., will face jail time for charges stemming from anti-big bank messages he scrawled in water-soluble chalk outside Bank of America branches last year.

The San Diego Reader reported Tuesday that a judge had decided to prohibit Olson’s attorney from “mentioning the First Amendment, free speech, free expression, public forum, expressive conduct, or political speech during the trial.”

With that ruling, Olson must now stand trial on 13 counts of vandalism, charges that together carry a potential 13-year jail sentence and fines of up to $13,000.

“Oh my gosh,” Olson said on his way out of court on Tuesday. “I can’t believe this is happening.”


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3 Responses to “Jeff Olson, California Man, Faces 13 Years In Jail For Writing Anti-Big Bank Messages In Chalk”

  1. This is crazy, and a judge not allowing the first amendment!WOW! Supports my feelings on a lot of judges not going by Constitutional law. Bank CEO’s need to be jailed. The man did not destroy or permanently damage anything. I can see a small fine, but this is insane. It was not paint. It was not destruction. Vandalism defined in the dictionary is The willful or malicious destruction of public or private property. How does washable chalk destroy anything? Vandalize is To destroy or deface property willfully or maliciously. Deface is to destroy or mar the surface or appearance. Mar is to damage or spoil the looks of deface. To injure or spoil the quality of. No way chalk can do that. I had two federal marshal interrogate me as a suspect for a party that graffitied a judges sidewalk. Due to I publically have claimed this judge in my opinion is corrupt. Weither it was chalk or paint, going out of the way to find the judges house and graffiti her sidewalk is scarey to the judge. I am sure she felt threatened. So more than the graffiti the judge was concerned for her saftey, so I can see why the police or someone is looking for them. Paint is very hard to remove. Chalk is not! The judge felt threatened at her home. That would bother me too, if someone left a message outside my house and went out of the way to find me. A lot of angry people that are being pushed over the edge by this crime committed by the banks. This does not seem bad enough to send someone to jail for thirteen years. Two sets of rules. One for the people and one for the banks. All the proof of a huge horrific crime, economic terrorism, yet no prosecution. So very sad Please do not put yourselves in harms way and allow the banks to pressure you into anything that comes back at you. Keep yourselves and your families safe.

  2. Clarence Swinney says:

    Dissent won’t be tolerated. That’s the message. I’m going to scrawl that in chalk and on every blog I can find.


  1. […] Jeff Olson, California Man, Faces 13 Years In Jail For Writing Anti … Olson, a 40-year-old man from San Diego, Calif., will face jail time for charges stemming from anti-big bank messages he scrawled in water-soluble chalk outside Bank of America branches last year. The San Diego … […]

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