Foreclosed Man killed after taking firefighters hostage in suburban Atlanta - FORECLOSURE FRAUD


Foreclosed Man killed after taking firefighters hostage in suburban Atlanta

Foreclosed Man killed after taking firefighters hostage in suburban Atlanta


Five firefighters had gone inside the home — a two-story structure, one of many in the neighborhood about 30 miles northeast of Atlanta — with a stretcher, then a single firefighter ran out about 30 minutes later, according to neighbors. Rutledge said one firefighter was let go so he could move the fire truck from in front of the house.

The house was foreclosed upon in November and was being prepared for sale, said Brad German, a spokesman for Freddie Mac. It was not clear what, if anything, that fact had to do with what unfolded Wednesday.


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4 Responses to “Foreclosed Man killed after taking firefighters hostage in suburban Atlanta”

  1. So many tragedies do to the banks that broke the law and no help from our government.

  2. Sarah says:

    Foreclosures can be very destructive to people’s health. Medical professionals have written about this extensively. Great duress doesn’t bring out the best in anyone, and very few homeowners are in any position to sue for pernicious abuse. Was the mode of operation from the servicer, the debt collector and their GSE-front partly responsible? Possibly. Anyone going through this experience knows first hand how awful trying to fight back while getting papered over can be. A devastating sense of loss, PTSD, depression need caring treatment. It’s critical for individuals to understand that situations improve, as bad as they may seem at times.

  3. Rob Harrington says:

    How come we never heard of the name that identifies the “gunman?”

  4. Sarah says:

    How come we never heard of the name of the bank that identifies the “lender”? I suppose we’ll have to take the police’s word for it, the guy was asking to have his power turned back on, was that the indication to shoot him dead? There was a time in the recent past that deadly force wasn’t so quickly used in these situations.


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