‘You should’ve served US better and died!’ Debt collector berates disabled veteran - FORECLOSURE FRAUD


‘You should’ve served US better and died!’ Debt collector berates disabled veteran

‘You should’ve served US better and died!’ Debt collector berates disabled veteran

This is one of those stories you really wish isn’t true…but it is.


A debt collector, angered that a disabled US Army veteran was living off of disability payments, told him he “should have died” in war instead of “taking advantage of” other Americans.

­Minnesota-based debt collection agency Gurstel Chargo is now facing a lawsuit for verbally abusing the Army vet over a $6,000 defaulted student loan, Courthouse News reports.

“If you would have served our country better you would not be a disabled veteran living off Social Security while the rest of us honest Americans work our asses off,” one of the agency’s debt collectors allegedly told the vet. “Too bad, you should have died.”


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5 Responses to “‘You should’ve served US better and died!’ Debt collector berates disabled veteran”

  1. nydeemarie says:

    First off, Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. What a pissant…

    Second, Why is this still happening?

    Seems to me that a simple notice/flag could be placed on an account. Ie. Disability! Child Support! do not allow for seizure..

    With all of the genius out there, how come bank programs are so “notice” challenged?

  2. Don Day Sr. says:

    WTF???? You know, it is a shame that this guy is disabled as a result of his serving this country, it is a shame that thousands of others are in the same boat and it is a shame that it now seems I wasted 22 years of my life serving this country, to include going into war to help maintain this LOWLIFE DEBT COLLECTOR’S RIGHTS to not only think something like that but to actually voice it. Let me be the first to remind him that if it was not for the Veteran’s in this country he would have NO RIGHTS at all, least of all the right to spout his BS to someone that did his duty when the nation called. GOD bless this veteran and all of my fellow veteran’s out there!!!!!!!

  3. OMG! How a person could have a mind set like this is unimaginable. I trully believe if the president of the United States had to qualify by being on the battle field before they could be president, the country would not be in such a mess. How absolutely tragic this person thinks this way. What a mindless mean unconscionable phycopathic soul. I wonder how vets and all Americans can possible be proud of what America has become? We have all been betrayed. This person would most likely stuff us into Hitkers furnaces. What comes around goes around, better look behind you. What a sorry state America is in. How do some people sleep at nignt?

  4. nydeemarie says:

    Well let’s see…

    He works for a company that gives him a bonus for this behavior.

    This company is set up to seize monies that are exempt in violation of the spirit and intent of the law.

    For all intents and purposes, what we have here is a criminal telling a veteran, who admirably served his country, that he should have died while in that service..

    And it continues!!!….

    Not much wrong in the country, eh???

  5. Doug says:

    My Active Duty Service yrs were 1973 thru 1976. Active Mich. National Guard till 1979.

    In 1978 I was out of work with NO benefit’s from GM or Veterans
    Affairs. Duty pay from the Guard was 1 weekend per month.

    A department store collection agent called my partents home to
    berate them over my $800.00 unpaid debt.

    I began to take all calls from the agent.

    The agent told me to; ” Commit Bank ROBBERY if that is what it
    takes to get our money ” !!!

    I went to the local store the next day. After WORDS that you people don’t need to read were exchanged with the agent I was excorted from the store by security and local cops.

    The cops refused to charge me with ANYTHING after they talked to my Dad & Mom.

    The agent for the store ‘DID NOT’ call again !


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