Eminently reasonable: Using the power of eminent domain to restructure underwater mortgages is constitutional, beneficial and administratively feasible. - FORECLOSURE FRAUD


Eminently reasonable: Using the power of eminent domain to restructure underwater mortgages is constitutional, beneficial and administratively feasible.

Eminently reasonable: Using the power of eminent domain to restructure underwater mortgages is constitutional, beneficial and administratively feasible.

The author of this article recently wrote about possible ramifications of REMICs.


Local governments across the country are considering an innovative use of eminent domain. They propose to condemn underwater mortgages (those that exceed the fair-market value of the home) in their communities and restructure them so that home­owners can afford their payments and so that the new mortgage is for less than the fair market value of the property. If this proposal is implemented, the local government will pay the owner of mortgages of “underwater” homes the fair market value for the mortgages. The local government will then restructure each mortgage by reducing the principal amount owed to be in line with a mortgage that would be appropriate for the fair market value of the home. This will result in lower monthly payments. It will also result in a sustainable transaction, one in which homeowners can imagine ultimately paying off their mortgages, the American Dream of owning one’s home free and clear.

The financial industry is alarmed by this proposal, claiming that the sky will fall if it is implemented. But this proposal is constitutional, beneficial and administratively feasible. Local governments should give it a try as they seek to stabilize their communities.


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