Obama Campaign Detectives Hunt for Foreclosed Florida Voters - FORECLOSURE FRAUD


Obama Campaign Detectives Hunt for Foreclosed Florida Voters

Obama Campaign Detectives Hunt for Foreclosed Florida Voters

Seeing how well he did of a job to protect Florida foreclosed victims, I’d vote for him (sarcasm). He failed every state.

My Florida senior citizen friend compared voting for either Obama or Romney as to choosing between Cancer and Heart Disease.


By day, Lynnette Acosta, a 34-year- old mother of two, is an information-technology manager in Orlando, Florida. By night, she’s a sleuth for President Barack Obama’s re-election campaign, scouring for potential voters.

In central Florida, that means knocking on doors in Hispanic neighborhoods with foreclosure rates as high as 30 percent, where once-registered Democrats have been evicted, their homes now owned by the bank. Volunteers walk house-to- house to determine the number of empty homes per precinct, then look for contact information for voters who once lived in them.

“It’s almost like playing detective, asking questions,” said Acosta, who is Puerto Rican and one of five campaign volunteers selected to join governors, senators and other officials serving as national co-chairs of the Obama campaign. “We take one door at a time, one person at a time.”


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One Response to “Obama Campaign Detectives Hunt for Foreclosed Florida Voters”

  1. TrickleUpPolitics says:

    If she had any sense she’d vote for Romney. The only way to save your house is for the economy to pick up so you can get a better job, and the programs Obama started to help people keep their homes were not mandatory on the banks so they were a scam too. She really wants four more years of this? Idiot.


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