FBI informs family they bought stolen house after paying mortgage for a year - FORECLOSURE FRAUD


FBI informs family they bought stolen house after paying mortgage for a year

FBI informs family they bought stolen house after paying mortgage for a year

MURRIETA, Calif. (KABC) — A family is being told the house they thought they bought in Murrieta actually belongs to someone else. The family says they can’t stop making their mortgage payments.

“Even though you’ve made your payments in full every month, you could get a knock at the door saying get out,” said would-be homeowner Charlie Zahari. “If you look at it, we’re renters in a house we can’t move out of.”

That was hardly the feeling last summer where there was all the euphoria of buying their first home.

They custom painted the girls’ bedrooms and sodded the backyard.


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One Response to “FBI informs family they bought stolen house after paying mortgage for a year”

  1. enough already says:

    what a fliipimg mess


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