Maryland may have had the most foreclosures in December, but for the year as a whole, three of the country’s real estate hotspots also took home the unfortunate top prize for more filings on an annual basis.

Florida was No. 1 with 35,813 foreclosures, followed by California with 32,905 foreclosure filings and Texas with 30,467. That California stat means that filings were up some 41 percent from the pace of the past three years.

According to the O.C. Register, however, California still managed to have the 13th smallest jump among the states. When compared to 2019 and pre-pandemic levels, California’s foreclosure activity is actually down 59 percent.

Washington D.C., West Virginia, Oregon and New York had the largest leaps in filings by percentage in 2023. The national pace was up 55 percent.

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California Foreclosure Filings Up 41 Percent From Early Pandemic Levels