NORMAN, Okla. (KFOR) — A woman says her landlord evicted her family after she refused to pay rent until her landlord cleaned mold and water damage in their apartment.

The woman reached out to News 4 after she saw a story News 4 did about another tenant’s issues at the same apartment complex last week.

In that story, a woman living at The 2900 Student Apartments in Norman told News 4 property management did not move her to a clean apartment after hers flooded, until she told them she’d be calling authorities and News 4.

Woman says landlord only moved her from flooded apartment after calling authorities, News 4 Kasey Haze, a former longtime tenant at The 2900, saw that story. “I wasn’t surprised,” Haze said. Haze and her three kids lived at The 2900 for six years until this past November, when she says problems she had with the complex ultimately resulted in her eviction.

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