AUGUSTA – On April 6, the Legislature’s Judiciary Committee voted in favor of two bills that protect Maine tenants from unfair evictions. An amended version of LD 45, “An Act to Prevent Retaliatory Evictions,” sponsored by Sen. Anne Carney, D-Cape Elizabeth, received a unanimous vote of 9-0, with five members absent. An amended version of LD 330, “An Act Regarding Legal Representation for Residents Facing Eviction,” sponsored by Sen. Mike Tipping, D-Orono, received a vote of 8-1 with five members absent.

“In Maine’s current housing climate, we need to do all we can to make sure tenants are protected when landlords act in bad faith. No one should be evicted for standing up for their legal rights. This legislation is a small change that will have a big impact if a tenant experiences retaliation,” said Carney, who serves as Senate Chair of the Judiciary Committee. “I want to thank my fellow committee members for their work on and support of this bill.”

“Maine is facing a housing crisis. Too many Mainers don’t have access to stable housing. When a tenant is facing an eviction notice, having legal representation often speeds up the process for all parties involved and ensures that justice is better served and fewer people are made homeless,” said Tipping. “This is a common-sense bill that will make sure Maine tenants have access to the legal assistance and information they deserve, regardless of where they’re from. I’m grateful to the committee for their support of this bill.”

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