It is normal for homeowners facing foreclosure to feel pressured. The thought of losing their home in a few weeks can make many homeowners do unspeakable things. Some sign off the ownership of their home over to fraudsters without knowing in an attempt to stop the foreclosure process. However, panic will not help you save your home; it might only make you lose it earlier. Although it’s important to act quickly to prevent losing your home, you still need to act carefully. There are so many flyers on the internet, in court entrancing with a bunch of promises. Many of them can be genuine and experts that can help you save your home. However, don’t put money into it or sign any documents until you are 100% sure they are not fraudsters.
Apart from the name and phone number of lawyers and organizations promising to help, not much is provided for you to prove that those flyers are genuine. It’s easier for anyone to design a flyer promising pressurized homeowners that they will save their home from foreclosure. One way to find out if they are real is to have your lawyer look through their website or company’s history. If anything fishy is discovered, you should seize every conversation with such a company.
It would be best if you contact proven law firms to help you with your foreclosure process. You will be more at rest this way than paying money to unknown sources to help you stop foreclosure. You can also look at The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) website to find out about available help. The HUD website will help you discover government programs that can help you stop foreclosure. Some of such programs offer grants to homeowners who are struggling to make their mortgage payments and are facing foreclosure.
Contact your lawyer to help you find other available help and solutions to save your home. Make sure to consult a legal authority before engaging with any company making promises on a flyer.