Original source: Liberty Road Media

Edited press release received by LRM:

For the millions who have lost their homes to foreclosure, or are still losing their homes to the “too big to fail” banks, Mary McCulley is a hero. In February she stood up to those who caused the fraud which led to her foreclosure–and won. She obtained a $6 million award–including punitive damages—against US Bank. 

Yet on April 25, 2014, Mary was forcibly hauled off to federal prison for accusations by former American Title Land Company’s  Tom Cahill. Based solely on Cahill’s word, Mary was sentenced to one year in Federal Prison, plus another year of very harsh probation. She was immediately taken away by Federal Marshalls, and reported severe bruising after being roughed up. Mary is 56 years old.

On February 7, 2014, US Bank was found guilty in a jury trial of fraudulently foreclosing on Mary’s home. The jury found proof U.S. Bank swapped her loan using forged and altered loan documents.

When Mary learned her loan was swapped and her deed was forged, she reported it to the local police. When they did nothing, she reported it to the FBI. When they failed to act, she sued.

After months and months of having her case thrown out and getting nowhere, Mary was left to investigate her own fraud. Cahill was deposed by Mary in her civil lawsuit.

After that—and shortly before her trial against US Bank—Cahill suddenly contacted the FBI and accused Mary of “impersonating an FBI agent”—though she denies she ever did.

To many fighting the banks, this is an example of the kind of abuse they must endure. These charges against Mary should have been thrown out. Instead, while those responsible for forging Mary’s loan and almost causing her to successfully commit suicide go free—Mary sits in Federal Prison.

Before Mary gets transferred to a Federal Prison, her attorney will go before the judge one last time on April 28th to request another review of Mary’s case. Mary has a SHOT at getting out of prison to be with her mom, who has Alzheimer’s.