Chicago Sun-Times-

Hollywood star power—in the form of Evanston-born actor John Cusack–showed up at Chicago’s City Hall on Tuesday to support using the city’s condemnation power to help stem the foreclosure epidemic, but Mayor Rahm Emanuel shot down the idea.

During a joint hearing by the City Council’s Finance and Housing and Real Estate Committees, Cusack stood quietly in the VIP box normally reserved for members of the mayor’s cabinet during testimony that appears to be going nowhere.

In a whispering interview while still half-listening to the testimony, Cusack said he was there to support a friend who was among those scheduled to testify on the idea—and also because he believes something dramatic needs to be done.

He identified his friend as Kevin McCabe, co-founder of Community Partnerships. The group is reportedly working with Mortgage Resolution Partners on the eminent domain idea now under consideration in Chicago and elsewhere around the nation.


John Cusack, Arianna Huffington Talk Eminent Domain Proposal To Help Underwater Borrowers (VIDEO BELOW)