If they can give MERS the boot on this, what is stopping them from quitting MERS from robo-signing any documents? MERS is even worse off on in this manner.

Did they really think that MERS would tell on its own shareholders that the foreclosed homes were unkempt? Really???

Daily News LA-

Three years after the Los Angeles City Council created a foreclosure registry to track distressed properties, city officials want stricter rules to help clean up neglected bank-owned homes in neighborhoods like Pacoima and South L.A.

On Wednesday, the City Council will consider asking banks to pay an “enforcement fee” when filing a notice of default on a residential property – one of the first steps in the foreclosure process.

The fee would help pay for Los Angeles Building and Safety Department staff to inspect registered properties to make sure they’re being maintained, rather than checking them only on a complaint basis. The fee amount hasn’t been determined yet.