Cory Johnson waited for his turn on the February 14 evictions docket at the Oklahoma County Courthouse. His 11-year-old daughter, Hazyl, tried to get comfortable on a hard wooden bench, resting her head on his shoulder, his arm, his lap. Johnson had to pick up Hazyl from school and bring her to court because she felt sick.

From health problems to car problems, utility cut-offs and other emergencies, sometimes rent money just isn’t there, Johnson said.

“Things happen, you know, where other things come up,” he said.

His was one of 83 cases on the day’s docket.

In Oklahoma, more than 48,200 eviction cases like Johnson’s were filed in 2023, 17,868 of which were in Oklahoma County, Shelterwell data shows.

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Oklahoma Evicted: Thousands of Civil Filings Linger in Records Forever