#14-118 Keshtgar v. U.S. Bank, N.A., S220012.  (B246193; 226 Cal.App.4th 1201, mod. 227 Cal.App.4th 321c; San Luis Obispo County Superior Court; CV120282.) Petition for review after the Court of Appeal affirmed the judgment in a civil action. The court ordered briefing deferred pending decision in Yvanova v. New Century Mortgage Corp., S218973 (#14-100), which presents the following issue: In an action for wrongful foreclosure on a deed of trust securing a home loan, does the borrower have standing to challenge an assignment of the note and deed of trust on the basis of defects allegedly rendering the assignment void?
Review granted/briefing deferred 10/01/2014
See the Petition for Review
See the Court of Appeal opinion

#14-131 Mendoza v. JP Morgan Chase Bank, N.A., S220675.  (C071882; 228 Cal.App.4th 1020; San Joaquin County Superior Court; 39201100267960CUORSTK.) Petition for review after the Court of Appeal affirmed the judgment in a civil action. The court ordered briefing deferred pending decision inYvanova v. New Century Mortgage Corp., S218973 (#14-100), which presents the following issue: In an action for wrongful foreclosure on a deed of trust securing a home loan, does the borrower have standing to challenge an assignment of the note and deed of trust on the basis of defects allegedly rendering the assignment void?
Review granted/briefing deferred 11/12/2014
See the Petition for Review
See the Court of Appeal opinion

#15-164 Castro v. Indymac Indx Mortgage Loan Trust 2005-AR21, S227876. (E061030, E061704; nonpublished opinion; Riverside County Superior Court;INC1302920.) Petition for review after the Court of Appeal affirmed the judgment in a civil action. The court ordered briefing deferred pending decision in Yvanova v. New Century Mortgage Corp., S218973 (#14-100), which presents the following issue: In an action for wrongful foreclosure on a deed of trust securing a home loan, does the borrower have standing to challenge an assignment of the note and deed of trust on the basis of defects allegedly rendering the assignment void?
Review granted/briefing deferred 09/16/2015
See the Court of Appeal opinion

Supreme Court

Court data last updated: 04/28/2016 05:54 AM

Docket (Register of Actions)

KESHTGAR v. U.S. BANK                          
Case Number S220012


Date Description Notes
04/27/2016 Transferred to CA 2/6 after hold     The above-captioned matter is transferred to the Court of Appeal, Second Appellate District, Division Six, with directions to vacate its decision and to reconsider the cause in light of Yvanova v. New Century Mortgage Corp. (2016) 62 Cal.4th 919. (Cal. Rules of Court, rule 8.528(d).) Votes: Cantil-Sakauye, C.J., Werdegar, Chin, Corrigan, Liu, Cuéllar and Kruger, JJ.


Court data last updated: 04/28/2016 05:54 AM

Docket (Register of Actions)

Case Number S220675
Date Description Notes
04/27/2016 Transferred to CA 3 after hold     The above-captioned matter is transferred to the Court of Appeal, Third Appellate District, with directions to vacate its decision and to reconsider the cause in light of Yvanova v. New Century Mortgage Corp. (2016) 62 Cal.4th 919. (Cal. Rules of Court, rule 8.528(d).) Votes: Cantil-Sakauye, C.J., Werdegar, Chin, Corrigan, Liu, Cuéllar and Kruger, JJ.


Court data last updated: 04/28/2016 05:54 AM

Docket (Register of Actions)

Case Number S227876


Date Description Notes
04/27/2016 Transferred to CA 4/2 after hold     The above-captioned matter is transferred to the Court of Appeal, Fourth Appellate District, Division Two, with directions to vacate its decision and to reconsider the cause in light of Yvanova v. New Century Mortgage Corp. (2016) 62 Cal.4th 919. (Cal. Rules of Court, rule 8.528(d).) Votes: Cantil-Sakauye, C.J., Werdegar, Chin, Corrigan, Liu, Cuéllar and Kruger, JJ.


Inline image 3

Comment on California Supreme Court Rules in Yvanova, “The borrower owes money NOT TO THE WORLD at large but to a particular person or institution.” by Kalifornia 

There are an additional SEVEN foreclosure-related cases in the lineup before the Cal Supreme Court wherein the briefing was deferred until the opinion on Yvanova was issued. Consequently, there will be an eventual stream of rulings extending beyond the issues in Yvanonva. {All these cases were DISPOSED of as of Wednesday 4/27/2016  QUOTE: “…with directions to vacate its{their} decision{s} and to reconsider the cause in light of Yvanova v. New Century Mortgage Corp. …”;  with the exception of “Boyce” which was unfortunately “Dismissed”.  )

Keshtgar v. U.S. Bank, N.A., S220012. (B246193; 226 Cal.App.4th 1201, mod. 227 Cal.App.4th 321c; San Luis Obispo County Superior Court; CV120282.)

Mendoza v. JP Morgan Chase Bank, N.A., S220675. (C071882; 228 Cal.App.4th 1020; San Joaquin County Superior Court; 39201100267960CUORSTK.)

DISMISSED   Boyce v. T.D. Service Co., S226267. (B255958; 235 Cal.App.4th 429; Santa Barbara County Superior Court; 1438504.)

Castro v. Indymac Indx Mortgage Loan Trust 2005-AR21, S227876. (E061030, E061704; nonpublished opinion; Riverside County Superior Court;INC1302920.)

Flannigan v. Onuldo, S229113. (D067447; nonpublished opinion; Riverside County Superior Court; RIC1304784.)

Gehron v. Nicholas, S231459. (E061855; nonpublished opinion; Riverside County Superior Court; INC1302638.)

Gehron v. Bank of America N.T., S231447. (E060701; nonpublished opinion; Riverside County Superior Court; INC1302638.)