In a nutshell, on July 1, 2013, The Florida Legislature passed the Fair Foreclosure Act (or some other nonsense name) which gutted consumer rights in foreclosure cases, but it actually did one positive thing – it reduced the time period for filing a deficiency lawsuit from 5 years to one year after foreclosure sale.  A deficiency lawsuit seeks a money judgment for the difference between the money owed to the bank in the final judgment minus the fair market value of the collateral (house) at the time of the foreclosure sale.
Anyway, for judgments entered prior to the enactment of the new law, the deadline for filing a deficiency was July 1, 2014.  
Well, Dyck-O’Neal, Inc. approached Fannie Mae and bought up tens of thousands of stale foreclosure judgments for cheap since the statute of limitations was about to expire – The source I know estimates $1B worth of Florida deficiencies.  The deal probably took place last summer, just after the Act passed, and the portfolio consists primarily of the oldest possible judgments – late 2009 and early 2010.  
This year (primarily April through June), D.O. has filed thousands lawsuits throughout Florida seeking enormous money judgments against consumers who thought the foreclosure crisis was in their rear view mirror.  There was an enormous volume just prior to July 1st deadline.  So thousands of these lawsuits are starting their journey through the pipeline.  I’ll bet 90+% of these consumers will be defaulted.
It gets better.  D.O. is bringing these lawsuits in the county in which the foreclosure occurred.  They are choosing the foreclosure county because (I assume) they surmise the lawsuit is based upon the original mortgage and note which relate to real property in that county.  However, its clear that a deficiency judgment is merely a general unsecured debt, meaning that the only proper place to sue the former homeowner is in the county where they now reside.  THOUSANDS of these defendants reside outside the state of Florida – My source even represents someone who lives in Japan.  Currently, their firm represents dozens of these defendants.
On Monday, Parker & Dufresne filed the attached class action lawsuit against The Law Offices of Daniel Consuegra and Dyck-O’Neal, Inc. (Copy attached).  Attached to our complaint, you will find a sample Dyck-O’Neal complaint.
There are a few of angles here:
1)  D.O. purchased the stalest of debts from Fannie.  Why?  Because (a) those are the people who have had the longest period to recover, and (b) this is when Florida home values were at their lowest, creating the greatest deficiency gap.  Imagine these people who have already taken the credit hit and have moved on, only to be sued 8 years after they walked away from their underwater home.
2)  D.O. and its lawyers are knowingly violating the Federal Fair Debt Collections Practices Act by suing hundreds of out-of-state consumers on a purely unsecured debt.
3)  Every one of these lawsuits attach two assignments – One from the original plaintiff to FNMA and another from FNMA to Dyck-O’Neal.  The FNMA to Dyck-O’Neal assignment is executed by an officer of Dyck-O’Neal “as attorney in fact for FNMA.”  See the attached POA which purportedly gave D.O. the power to do this back in October of 2008 pursuant to a separate “Deficiency Pursuit Agreement” from 2008.  I think this agreement raises all sorts of questions.  This is right after it was placed into conservatorship by the U.S. Treasury in September 2008.
4)  Homeowners are getting it on both ends – Foreclosure courts, run by retired Senior Judges, rammed all of these foreclosures through the system with the justification of getting the collateral back to the banks.  In order to do this, these senior judges routinely rule in favor of the banks with watered-down evidence because the banks have such a hard time proving ownership of the loans.  I believe that these retired judges never thought FNMA would be showing up in court again to get these deficiency judgments. 
5)  In addition to D.O., Mortgage Guaranty Insurance Corporation – a mortgage protection insurance company who paid out claims to servicers also filed a bunch of suits just under the deadline.  These suits were also filed by the same D.O. lawyers.  Many of these suits also violate the FDCPA by suing out of state defendants on unsecured claims.

Huthsing v Dyck-O’Neal and Consuegra COMPLAINT

Dyck-O’Neal Power of Attorney

Attorney Chip Parker,