So I wonder what exactly constitutes criminal behavior for the Department of inJustice?

This only send one clear message and that is Fraud has a price as long as you’re able to pay the fine.

Make $1 Billion and pay $1 Million fine!! Nice message to send wall street eh?


The U.S. government urged that Bank of America Corp pay $863.6 million in damages after a federal jury found it liable for fraud over defective mortgages sold by its Countrywide unit.

In a filing late Friday in the U.S. District Court in Manhattan, the government also asked for penalties against Rebecca Mairone, a former midlevel executive at the bank’s Countrywide unit who the jury also found liable, “commensurate with her ability to pay.”

The government said the penalties were necessary to punish the bank and Mairone “and to send a clear and unambiguous message that mortgage fraud for profit will not be tolerated.”