By Lainey Hashorva

I’m zig zagging as fast as I can through this perverse fun house of psychological terrorism called “Modification”. The biggest part of this game is that we feel that we are on our own. The protocol in place by the servicer has been to strip us of our good credit, our years of hard work and the building of our investment, not to mention our home. Try being a small business owner with no access to credit.

Their methods of leaving us no where to turn as we have left no stone unturned
in alerting the powers that be, the attorney blogs, the groups of like
minded others in the fight of their lives, have left us bankrupt in so many ways.
Until you learn all the layers of this and the mind blowing levels of corruption and
deceit that so many are apart of you feel as if you’re losing your mind. I think it
absolutely is spiritual warfare – psychological warfare. I wasn’t kidding when I
said the Hunger Games. “Hope. It is the only thing stronger than fear. A little hope
is effective. A lot of hope is dangerous.” So we call the “HOPE” hotline who reports
back to the banks. We somehow get a government grant to save our home
and they pay it to the BANK. We reach out to any and all govt officials and we get
back the same formulaic letters, the same inane questions. Apathetic dismissal
or no calls returned at all. It’s a test of tenacity and a robotic enterprise has no
shame, no humanity and no moral compass. The entire city of Richmond CA is
implementing Eminent Domain to try to do what the federal govt should be doing
and the city is being shredded by the bank cartel. They have the might and the
tenacity – and the insatiable greed that pays every level off. I think this is all a
huge awakening for those of us in the belly of it. We need to chew on the belly as
much as we can and make as much noise and discomfort, acid reflux. We are
making a difference. I know it doesn’t feel like it but we are. One thing that helps
to center your power is if you can TRY to take some of the emotion out of it
(nearly impossible), but it’s more empowering for YOU. Document everything, record
everything, share and write to the press and the media. We are showing
patterns of abuse, we are building our cases, we are helping one another and we
are turning the tide. Networking with one another is key, keeping a log of your
efforts is key, learning the lingo and the paths to appeal to is key. We are educating
each other, learning from each other and supporting each other in this cavernous
journey for justice and the “hope” that our system of laws will not continue
to betray us.

Lainey Hashorva is a Social Media Activist, Investigative Journalist and Entrepreneur. Join the discussion on Facebook  in her group,  Fraudclosure Fighters with like minded others. Please visit her ETSY store LaineyBean.