Fannie Mae Limiting Loans Helps JPMorgan Mortgage Profits - FORECLOSURE FRAUD


Fannie Mae Limiting Loans Helps JPMorgan Mortgage Profits

Fannie Mae Limiting Loans Helps JPMorgan Mortgage Profits

Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac et. al. have been helping ALL of the Banks profit as shareholders and business partners of MERS.

How else would they have created any and all documents from cradle to grave?

Business Week-

Fannie Mae and Ginnie Mae are seeking to protect taxpayers as a flood of new lenders apply to do business with them. That’s also helping big banks’ profit and blunting Federal Reserve efforts to boost housing.

Fannie Mae, the government-supported mortgage financier, has begun limiting how many loans annually it will guarantee or buy from certain firms. Ginnie Mae has moved slowly with responses to applications, said David Lykken, an industry consultant. The U.S.-owned bond insurer is also considering tougher rules, a Ginnie Mae official said earlier this year.


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One Response to “Fannie Mae Limiting Loans Helps JPMorgan Mortgage Profits”

  1. Sarah says:

    “Protecting taxpayers”. The statement could be the latest from the Ministry of Truth via Orwell’s 1984.

    Why not color their public relations by utilizing sloganeering from the military: “We destroyed taxpayers in order to save other taxpayers”. Alternatively, updating Curtis LeMay: “We helped finance some neighborhoods back to the stone age”.

    While these predatory bombs aren’t of the incendiary type, and we keep hearing from authority or bloggers that being financially “raped” isn’t quite the same as chattel slavery or being a civilian in a war zone, it’s a goose step firmly in the same direction. Besides, what do they know? The very idea of homelessness and crushing debt is taboo, some careerists or bloggers clearly will never even imagine similar tragedy for themselves. And perhaps, they have confidently concluded that these are issues of pathology- the victim is diseased somehow, after all we can’t use race against them any more – and not an act of aggression from profit seekers. And so it is, we allow people to die on the streets, millions to waste in prisons, and much worse overseas, without much concern.


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