Bankruptcy is the Ultimate Protection from Florida’s Corrupt Foreclosure System - FORECLOSURE FRAUD


Bankruptcy is the Ultimate Protection from Florida’s Corrupt Foreclosure System

Bankruptcy is the Ultimate Protection from Florida’s Corrupt Foreclosure System

by Chip Parker, Jacksonville Bankruptcy Attorney

For Floridians, Federal Bankruptcy Court is proving to be a far superior avenue for actually saving homes than our state court judicial system.

The homeowner, with the help of a qualified bankruptcy attorney, can encapsulate and protect as much of his assets as possible while eliminating the uncertainty created by a failed foreclosure system.  Homeowners are often emerging from Bankruptcy Court with the meaningful mortgage modifications that elude them in Florida’s state courts.  Floridians shouldn’t have to seek refuge from our state courts, but be grateful there is an alternative, especially if you live in the Middle District of Florida.

Who runs Florida’s Foreclosure Courts?  Why the banks do, of course.  Just ask judges, prosecutors and the Florida Bar.

Retired senior judges regularly bend the rules for banks and their often inept lawyers prosecuting foreclosures, and they have been turning a blind eye to the bankster fraud in their courtrooms for years.  For years, these retired judges have been paid for results – reducing the number of open foreclosure cases specifically – and they have been too willing to ignore the rule of law to make sure they “hit their numbers.”

[Bankruptcy Law Network]

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