Each and every time I read a case where a judge mentions MERS, I cringe only because MERS is a strawman/machine that was made up, fabricated to circumvent not only fees but property law.

It’s a machine anyone who has access can manipulate at any given time. It’s unreliable & inaccurate.

My San Antonio-

A lawsuit filed last month by Bexar County against a Boerne mortgage banker alleging the county’s public recording system was circumvented to avoid the paying of filing fees is about more than just unpaid fees. The outcome of the lawsuit could have a far-reaching impact on how real estate transactions continue to be recorded in Texas and across the country.

The Bexar County lawsuit against JPC Financial Resources Inc. challenges the use of the Mortgage Electronic Registration System created in the 1990s by the nation’s 3,000 largest lenders to record mortgage transactions. The suit seeks unspecified damages.

Read more: [MY SAN ANTONIO]