You have to love the intro…
“There are about 1500 pissed-off people lacing up their shitkickers around Boston right now.”
The Phoenix-
There are about 1500 pissed-off people lacing up their shitkickers around Boston right now. They’re airbrushing placards, photocopying fliers, and in some cases preparing to be arrested. It’s been more than three years since the nation’s biggest banks pillaged the economy and screwed American homeowners, and these activists think it’s time to quit taking it and start throwing haymakers.
More than a dozen orgs have united to mastermind a multilateral attack for the ages. For the progressive left, which can have a hard time getting its act together, this is a rare phenomenon. Like other urban centers that have been hit hard by the mortgage crisis, Boston has taken its knocks: roughly 7000 Massachusetts residents were put on eviction row in 2011, more than 1400 in July alone. But nowhere else have people been able to fight back against abusive banks in such a sustained or organized way.