A class action lawsuit is currently being prepared and we are in need of parties in California who are interested in pursuing these devils who have done so much to destroy everything this country stands for and is.
We are looking for the following:
- The property is located in California
- Have a Pay Option ARM which names MERS as nominee (highly likely in the event of an Option Arm);
- Lender was Countrywide/BofA or broker associated with CW;
- Issued Jumbo/100% financing
- They are facing an increase via reset or recasting which will consume over 70% of the income which the same as when lender sold them the loan some time in 2010, 2011 or 2012;
- They are committed to fighting the Bad guys;
- They have their Note, HELOC Agreement, MERS disclosure
If you fit this description, please contact this website at info@chinkinthearmor.net
Source: chinkinthearmor