I swear each time I hear about these ROBO-SIGNERS I immediately get this vision of the TRANSFORMER’s…more than decieves the mind!

from Matthew Weidner’s Blog

When speaking in generalities, it’s difficult for folks to understand what lawyer, judges and informed consumers are ranting about when we scream, “THE BANKS, LENDERS AND FORECLOSURE MILLS ARE COMMITTING FRAUD!”

I attach here a deposition transcript of Angela Melissa Nolan, a robo signer at Chase Home Finance.  In the deposition, she describes in detail some of the corporate processes in place that purport to give pretender lenders the evidentiary basis to pursue foreclosure cases….I’ve called these people “Robo Signers” because prior depositions indicated they don’t read anything…they just sign.  This deposition reveals another form of “Robo Signer”, a computer generated document, complete with a “real” signature scanned in…..and the rabbit hole just gets deeper and deeper.

C’mon take a few minutes to watch the video…I tell you it’s exactly what’s  happening here!


[ipaper docId=38430629 access_key=key-g6cuuygszzcvosanu4s height=600 width=600 /]